Monday, August 8, 2011


the best thing about moving to Kansas City so far? My nieces and nephew (and my sister-in-law and brother) live only three hours south in Wichita. I love these kids and I decided to pack up the boys and baby girl and head on out for some much needed family love. We stayed longer than planned and enjoyed every single minute spent with them.


this is one of many of my favorite pictures from our trip. After a long and fun day at the pool we decided to stay dressed in our swim suits and run through sprinklers and play in mud till the sun began to set and the air became cool enough to color the driveway.

I can't believe how big and mature my niece is! She is becoming so beautiful.


Ashley Sisk said...

Look at that light - love it.

Marla said...

Yep, I'm with Ashley- that light is amazing. Living close to family is amazing.

Marla @

Amy Nielson said...

oh how nice that you still have family close by! i'm sure that makes the move a little less daunting. sounds like a great time :)

Amy Nielson said...

ps: i need your email so i can get you in touch with Alexandra Rose to collect your winnings! email me at :)

Sara said...

Wow, wonderful shots, the light is just fantastic! I'm sure your neice loves these photos, she's beautiful and looks like a model here.