Thursday, May 9, 2013

walker :: three year portraits :: olathe, ks.

so things have been a little busy around here and i am so sorry for the absence on this little blog. i have been working with some fun and super cute clients and i am so excited to share them with you!

also, i am also working on making this little blog into a big website and that has been fun and crazy all at the same time. to say i am excited is an understatement... i just can't wait for it all to be up and ready!!

in the meantime i want to share with you some adorable pictures of one of the cutest three year old boys i know. my daughter loves him!

 photo DSC_6627copyvintage_zps4487ccbe.jpg  photo 1_zps4b770d4a.jpg  photo DSC_6820copybw_zps6e7d3674.jpg  photo 4_zpscadff65c.jpg  photo DSC_6631copyvintage_zpse7b5d4b1.jpg  photo 2_zps90288fa0.jpg  photo DSC_6694copy_zps3ae7fe5d.jpg  photo 3_zps040ff59a.jpg isn't he just the cutest thing?

hope you are having a fabulous week! it's almost the weekend!!


1 comment:

Kcfilzenphotos said...

awwwwww he is the cutest thing ever!! i love all of these!!! have a great weekend!!!