Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Connor :: Senior Portraits :: Shawnee Mission, KS.

This young man was such a blast to shoot for his senior portraits. He made the session go easy and smooth. It was fun talking about his future plans in college and I wish this young man all the best. He also made it hard to not edit every single one of his portraits, but here are just a few of my favorites from his session.

 photo DSC_5138 copyvintage copy_zpsq7anod1y.jpg  photo 8_zpsx7qn8amg.jpg  photo DSC_5229 copy_zps7gk7pgsk.jpg  photo 9_zpscpdgkj3b.jpg  photo DSC_4767 copy 2_zpsznjob2qy.jpg  photo 7_zpsmbftjvwu.jpg  photo DSC_4735 copybw copy_zps7mcstlpk.jpg  photo 2_zps8bkmtvtg.jpg  photo 6_zpsia1rfnms.jpg

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