Monday, February 28, 2011

day fifteen - duckie

You found him.

 His favorite place to be. This boy loves his rubber duckies and we have tons of them. They are always there, crowding the tub. But I love the little quacks this boy makes as he is getting clean and talking to his little duckies.



Sunday, February 27, 2011

day fourteen - little smile

I am grateful that I am able to watch her grow and change and capture it all in pictures. She is so fun to watch and I can just look at her and smile for hours. She is such a beautiful baby with such an easy going personality. I love having this little girl in my life. She is a constant reminder of the great blessings I have in this life.



I love that I was able to capture her smiling while she sleeping.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

day thirteen - little toes

She has discovered her feet these bast few days and just love playing and talking to them. She is too cute to watch. She is getting so big and I just can't believe that she is almost four months.

Where or where has the time gone?


Friday, February 25, 2011

day twelve - quiet moments

It's moments like these that I absolutely cherish. When I capture their pure innocence and all of my bad days and sad moments just disappear. My children truly remind me of what is important and what really matters and I am grateful to have them in my life.

He was reading the "Nose Book" out loud to himself. Pointing out the animals he recognized and making the sounds they make. He is so smart and so funny and absolutely the cutest!!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day eleven - victor

dI wake up every morning to mazes of tracks covering my hardwood and rugged floors. And every so often you can find Thomas and his friends neatly lined up, just ready to take a trip along this unconnected track. 

Trains are huge in our house, they keep little boys and little hands pretty content throughout the busy day.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

february 23rd 2011 - day ten

Finally. Some 'Me' time.

I need a pedicure... bad!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

february 22nd 2011 - day nine

What can I say? She is just so easy to photograph these days, and I love just watching her grow through these pictures I capture. She is my sweet baby girl and I just don't want her to grow too fast!


Monday, February 21, 2011

february 21st 2011 - day eight

I know this is another post of pictures of my sweet baby girl playing in her little floor gym thingy, but when she fell asleep with her tiny fingers still gripped to her elephant, I just couldn't resist in getting a shot of it. I thought it was just too cute!

She is just too fun to photograph. Hope she doesn't mind when she is older! ;)



Sunday, February 20, 2011

february 20th 2011 - day seven

Just relaxing.

Her favorite way to just sit and relax and watch her two crazy brothers run around her and play. I love how 'at peace' she looks here. Wish I could join her and relax with her.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

february 19th 2011 - day six

Playing hard.

She loves this jungle gym play thingy. And I love it too. It keeps her entertained for hours!



Friday, February 18, 2011

february 18th 2011 - day five

I love this picture.

Boy and his favorite blankie. It looks like he is screaming but he is really singing. Singing is his new favorite thing these days and I am always catching him singing quietly to himself. I absolutely love it!


just because

just because I can't get enough of these three...

She is rolling over now! This is how she looks when she is done, maybe not so gracefully but it's SO cute!

I love this boy's smile and laughter and chatter. He is my charmer for sure.

When you get this boy to smile, it just melts your heart. He is growing up so much.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

february 17th 2011 - day four

I can't believe how much my little baby changes in looks almost everyday. She is getting so big and is trying so hard to roll over. She hates to be by herself and just has to be where all of the action is. I am loving this little girl's smile and her new little laugh.



ahhh... I just love her.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

february 16th 2011 - day three

I know what you are thinking... "another bath photo?"

Yes. It just so happens that the best light in the morning is in our bathroom. It also helps that this is his favorite place to be, no matter what time of day.

And, I love myself some clean babies. No. Matter. What.



Can you notice his battle wound he received from his older brother? A nice fat lip!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

february 15th 2011 - day two

I love when bath time comes and all I hear is the sound of laughter. These two have become quite good friends and partners in crime, and I just absolutely love watching them grow up together.

This picture makes me smile... I just love the look on their faces!

And I love this face too! So angelic!

Monday, February 14, 2011

february 14th 2011 - day one

After much thought and a lot of talking with friends and family, I decided to start a photography blog. A blog where I can post all of my 'work-in-progress' photos and share with the world my inspiration and growth in a hobby I am so passionate about. I am hoping one day to also add in my design work I so love and hopefully take this blog to new and exciting levels. I am really excited about this and I love the support I am getting from the people I love. 

So here it is... watch me as I grow!

Starting today with my first post... my first of many pictures for the year. My goal is to jump on the 'photo for a day' bandwagon. I may be a little behind, but I will definitely catch up!

My little sleeping cutie. I can't get enough of this little girl, especially when she is sleeping. Those eyelashes and lips... she melts my heart! I love the sunlight hitting her face and making her glow.